Christmas Opera Gala

Christmas Opera Gala


Sarah Hakobyan, mezzosoprano
Luiza Willert, soprano
Caterina Meldolesi, soprano
Yuchen Pan, tenor
Hovhannes Karapetyan, bass-baritone
Daniils Kuzmins, baritone
William Desbiens, baritone
Avishka Ederisinghe, piano
Megumi Hata, piano


Hansel und Gretel, Humperdinck
Erstes Bild “Suse, liebe Suse”

La Bohème, Puccini
Act I “Questo mar rosso”
Act I “Chi è là?...” until the end of act

Hansel und Gretel, Humperdinck
“Der kleine Sandmann bin ich”
“Evening Prayer”

Die Lustige Witwe, Lehar
“Lippen Schweigen”

Die Fledermaus, Strauss
“Champagne chorus”
The concert will start at 7pm and will last about 60 minutes.

* The ticket gives you access to the Fondazione from 6pm, including the offer of a glass of wine.

The concert starts at 7pm.

Please arrive no later than 10 minutes before to access the concert hall, the doors close at 7pm.

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