Health and Safety
The following is a statement of Mascarade Opera’s general health and safety policy in accordance with Section 2 of the UK Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.
- Declare the statement of general policy and provide the structure for managing Health and Safety;
- State the responsibilities at all levels of the organisation; and
- Summarise the key organisational health and safety arrangements, and reference associated processes and procedures.
Mascarade Opera will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of our employees and anyone else who may be affected by our activities, including members of the public/audiences. The minimum standard we will adopt will be compliant with legal requirements and appropriate codes of practice. However, our aim will be to fulfil the spirit of the law and not just comply with technical requirements. We will assess the risks to anyone who may be affected, including members of the public/audience, from all aspects of our work including classes, rehearsals, performances and other projects in all locations, and will operate according to the procedures that best promote health, safety and wellbeing for all.
- Prevent accidents and cases of work or performance-related ill health by managing the health and safety risks in the workplace;
- Provide clear instructions and information, and adequate training, to ensure employees are competent to do their work;
- Engage and consult with employees/artists on day-to-day health and safety conditions;
- Implement emergency procedures – evacuation in case of fire or significant incident; and
- Maintain safe and healthy working and performance conditions, provide and maintain plant, equipment and machinery, and ensure safe storage and use of substances.
Mascarade Opera believes that Health and Safety within the workplace requires strong leadership from the organisation’s Board and the full cooperation of the entire organisation at all levels. All who engage with Mascarade Opera, whether full-time, part-time, in training, occasional or contracted in any way, have a duty to themselves, their colleagues and the organisation to ensure that everyone can work within a safe environment.
The Health and Safety policy and management system is applicable to all Studio properties, activities, other workplaces, performances and events, employees, students and others, as applicable and defined.
- Providing available appropriate resources to implement the requirements of this policy;
- Taking health, safety and wellbeing into account when planning all activities, events and performances;
- Providing and maintaining equipment and systems of work that are carefully designed and monitored;
- Ensuring that optimum safety standards are complied with when using, handling, storing and transporting articles and substances;
- Ensuring that employees are provided with suitable and sufficient information, instruction, training and, where necessary, supervision to enable them to work safely;
- Ensuring that high standards of housekeeping are maintained throughout all our premises and in premises where we are working and that means of access and egress are safe;
- Ensuring that, where its use is identified by risk assessment, personal protective equipment (PPE) is provided and used;
- Ensuring that specific arrangements are entered into when engaging contractors and subcontractors so that our policies are adhered to by them;
- Ensuring that adequate arrangements and facilities for welfare and first aid are provided;
- Ensuring that all employees and subcontractors comply with relevant legislation and co-operate with those responsible for enforcing it;
- Maintaining a system for the recording and investigation of all incidents;
- Ensuring that the responsibilities of employees and subcontractors with regard to health, safety and wellbeing are specified clearly in writing;
- Where possible, benchmarking with similar organisations;
- Undertaking periodic reviews of our arrangements as required to ensure continual improvement.
Employees/artists who authorise activities to be carried out must ensure that those undertaking the activity are sufficiently trained, instructed and informed to enable them to do so safely and to avoid risks to their health. Where necessary, there will be a need to provide supervision, particularly in the case of young and inexperienced workers. In addition to any specific responsibilities, you should regularly carry out safety inspections of the workplaces etc. under your control, in order to ensure the required standards are maintained.
All Mascarade Opera personnel/artists must follow the arrangements described in our policies, procedures and safe systems of work. Plant and equipment (including musical instruments etc.) should only be used/operated by those who are suitably trained and authorised, ensuring that all guards and safety devices are in place and working and using any personal protective equipment (PPE) deemed necessary. Anyone with concerns about health, safety and wellbeing matters, should raise these in the first instance with their line manager, tutor or supervisor.
Employees and artists may be involved in our risk assessment programme, and are required to follow risk assessment controls and co-operate with those leading the process.
Employees are reminded that they have duties under Sections 7 and 8 of the current edition of the UK Health and Safety at Work etc. Act to:
- take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of anyone affected by what they do;
- co-operate with their employer to enable them to comply with their statutory duties;
- refrain from intentionally or recklessly interfering with or misusing anything provided in the interests of health and safety.
In the event of failure to comply with their legal duties anyone could be subject to action being taken against them, including disciplinary action, and by the enforcing authority.
The Directors have ultimate responsibility for all matters of health, safety and welfare pertaining to Mascarade Opera. This includes:
- Giving leadership and ensuring participation in the health, safety and wellbeing management system and generating awareness that health, safety and wellbeing issues are an important and integral part of role responsibilities.
- Making arrangements to ensure that the necessary resources are made available to allow effective implementation of the health, safety and wellbeing policy.
- Setting health, safety and wellbeing goals and objectives.
- Monitoring health and safety targets and programmes.
- Approving the Health and Safety policy and ensuring that the aims and objectives of the Policy are fully understood by all Board members and senior staff.
The Artistic Advisory Board is responsible for ensuring that the health, safety and wellbeing policy is effectively implemented, reviewed and enforced across all disciplines.
All employees have a responsibility to cooperate with managers, supervisors, tutors, lecturers and support staff to implement this Health and Safety policy. Staff are responsible for the following:
- Cooperating with Mascarade Opera in health, safety and wellbeing matters.
- Having regard for their own safety and that of others, considering the aspects of each operation they undertake and how their acts or omissions may affect themselves, the environment or others.
- Following the accident/incident reporting procedures and alerting their manager/supervisor of any accidents and all defects, damage or hazards in plant, materials or work systems/environments.
- Notifying their manager of any assistance they require in discharging their health, safety and wellbeing obligations.
- Complying with the Mascarade Opera’s policies and procedures and, where necessary, use devices and equipment provided for the safe completion of the task.
All are reminded that it is a criminal offence to intentionally interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interest of health and safety. It is also illegal to fail to cooperate with Mascarade Opera to the extent necessary for it to comply with its legal obligations.
All artists have a responsibility to cooperate with managers, supervisors, teaching staff and support staff to implement Mascarade Opera’s Health and Safety policy. Students are responsible for the following:
- Cooperating with Mascarade Opera in health and safety matters.
- Having regard for their own safety and that of others, considering the aspects of each operation they undertake and how their acts or omissions may affect themselves, the environment or others.
- Reporting to their manager/supervisor any accidents and all defects, damage or hazards in plant, materials or work systems/ environments.
- Notifying staff of any assistance they require in discharging their health and safety obligations.
- Complying with Mascarade Opera’s policies and procedures and, where necessary, use devices and equipment provided for the safe completion of the task.
All artists are reminded that it is a criminal offence to intentionally interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interest of health and safety. It is also illegal to fail to cooperate with Mascarade Opera to the extent necessary for it to comply with its legal obligation.